Neurological Rehabilitation

Logo des P.A.N. Zentrums. Stilisierter Schriftzug: P.A.N. Zentrum für Post-Akute Neurorehabilitation.
Neurological rehabilitation in Berlin-Frohnau

P.A.N. Center for Post-Acute Neuro-Rehabilitation

Learning to live again – the Center for Post-Acute Neuro-Rehabilitation (P.A.N. Center) offers people with acquired craniocerebral injuries the best conditions for returning to everyday life. We strengthen the independence and unlock the potential of every individual. Because we are following new paths in post-acute neuro-rehabilitation and building bridges between a stay in hospital and moving into an outpatient form of living.

We encourage

  • Independence in everyday life
  • Social skills
  • Return to work
  • Realistic life planning

We offer

  • Interdisciplinary therapy offering
  • Everyday-oriented therapies
  • Individual living
  • Occupational and exertion therapy

The Basis of Our Work

An orientation towards activity and everyday life are the guiding principles of our work, which is largely based on the following foundations:

  • Individual living in residential groups with people of the same age group and in a similar situation ensures social exchange and cohesion.
  • Comprehensive interdisciplinary cooperation and inclusion of current research results in the fields of medicine, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, neuro-psychology and neuro-education are the basic requirement for the best possible development.


  • Our participatory rehabilitation approach strengthens the commitment of those affected. Thanks to sensitive support, the rehabilitation patients can establish relationships that make a major contribution to their motivation and thus to their learning success.

Senior Physician

Ein Porträtfoto von Dr. Christian Dohle

PD Dr. med. Christian Dohle, M.Phil.
Rauentaler Str. 32
13465 Berlin

Telephone: 030 406 06-231
Fax: 030 406 06-340

Admission requests


Do you have any questions about our offerings or do you need information that you can’t find on our site?

Our colleagues on reception can usually be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday from 8:00 - 18:00 hrs.

Please dial the number below or send us an email:

030 40606-0

Do you want to contact a particular department

To the list contacts 

Pictures of the P.A.N. Center


Partner of the Berlin Stroke Alliance

Das Logo der Berliner Schlaganfall Allianz

The P.A.N. Center is a partner of the Berlin Stroke Alliance (B.S.A. e.V.) – a merger of more than 40 stroke providers in Berlin and neighbouring parts of Brandenburg.

Berlin Stroke Alliance  Website