Der große Therapieraum mit Panorama-Glasdach im Herzen des P.A.N. Zentrums.


Therapy Offering

The P.A.N. Center offers rehabilitation patients a high-quality therapy programme that is entirely tailored to the needs of the patient in question. At the start of the rehabilitation process, the rehabilitation patients’ personal goals are discussed and an individual treatment plan is drawn up on this basis. The agreed goals are regularly checked in conversations with the rehabilitation patients and adjusted as necessary.

Interdisciplinary Therapy Team and Continuation of the Therapies in Everyday Life

A multi-professional, interdisciplinary therapy team in the fields of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and neuro-psychology, under the coordination of doctors, ensures qualified therapy solutions that really help the patients. The excellent provision of a modern suite of equipment not only promote the motivation of all involved, but also enables beneficial therapy sessions even for patients with severe impairments. Depending on the indications, the therapies are carried out with individual or group treatment.

In addition, the architecture of the P.A.N. Center and the daily in-house neuro-educational support are of central importance for the success of the therapy. The special architecture of the P.A.N. Center, with its open training area and many spaces for meeting, motivates the rehabilitation patients to occupy themselves independently and to chat together. The in-house neuro-educationalists transfer the therapy success to everyday live, instruct the rehabilitation patients in independent training and thus permanently consolidate the rehab progress. Lasting therapy success is possible only due to this interdisciplinary cooperation.

Therapeutic Specialist Departments

Eine Gruppe aus drei Rehabilitandinnen, zwei im Rollstuhl, eine mit Gehhilfe und einem Rehabilitanden mit Gehhilfe im großen Physiotherapie-Geräteraum des P.A.N. Zentrums.


Physiotherapy primarily deals with motor impairments and problems with body control. Experienced employees who can apply many methodologies work In the team at the P.A.N. Center. All team members also have further training in the Bobath approach.

In this way, impairments with a neurological cause can be treated as well as other illnesses relevant to physiotherapy. Hydrotherapeutic treatment is also possible as part of physiotherapy.

In addition, the staff will be happy to provide advice on questions relating to provision with aids.

Occupational Therapy

The aim of occupational therapy in the P.A.N. Center is to restore the rehabilitation patients’ capacity to act after acquired brain damage. This comprises four levels:

  • The physical level (e.g., walking, gripping, carrying things)
  • The cognitive level (e.g., planning and the ability to concentrate)
  • The emotional level (e.g., motivation and drive)
  • The social and interactive level (e.g., body language, regulating personal distance)

The content of the occupational therapy can therefore aim at restoring bodily functions, but more often aims at encouraging the acquisition of everyday skills, such as travelling by bus, shopping, showering or preparing meals.

The main focus of the occupational therapies in the P.A.N. Center are

  • Sensorimotor/perspective treatments (e.g., in the case of neglect, apraxia, pusher syndrome, parases, somatosensory disorder, ataxia, vertigo)
  • Activity- and participation-oriented treatments (to look after oneself, household management and mobility improvement, ADL)

Brain performance training or therapy for specific neuro

Therapeutic Workshops

In addition to these therapy offerings, the P.A.N. Center operates two therapeutic workshops. In the wood workshop and the textiles workshop, the rehabilitation patients can be prepared for a subsequent working situation. The aim of occupational therapy is to gradually bring the patients as near as possible to a working situation that is realistic for them and to carry out a stress test. The therapeutic workshops are therefore an important connecting step from medical rehabilitation to occupational rehabilitation.

Speech Therapy

The aim of speech therapy rehabilitation in the P.A.N. Center is to build up and maintain the rehabilitation patients’ ability to communicate and participate. The focus of speech therapies is on the diagnosis and treatment of:

  • Aphasia
  • Cognitive dysphasia
  • Apraxia of speech
  • Dysathria
  • Dysphonia
  • Dysphagia
  • Alexia
  • Agraphia
  • Acalculia

Speech therapy is given both in individual settings and in group settings. All of the activities are in the form of an everyday-oriented therapy. This means that the rehabilitation patients are supported in the application of therapy successes into everyday life. If necessary, communication aids will be trialled and adapted.

In addition, the speech therapy at the P.A.N. Center has an interdisciplinary music therapy offering, which often has great benefits for patients with severe impairments such as aphasia and supports their self-confidence.


euro-psychological solutions offered at the P.A.N. Center support the rehabilitation patients in accepting any ongoing impairments and living with the physical changes. The neuro-psychological therapy comprises a portion of psychotherapy and a portion of functional training of the impaired cognitive performance area.

The psychotherapeutic work usually contains talking psychotherapy sequences for insight into the disorder, to cope with the illness and to develop new perspectives on life. If necessary, behavioural therapeutic interventions are deployed.

The functional training contains work with computer-assisted therapy programmes. In addition, cognitive performance is furthered through training programmes with the paper and pencil method and using tasks relevant to everyday life.